Sunday, January 31, 2010

We Are Going With Cloth!

We have decided that our little man will be the proud wearer of cloth diapers. Dearest Husband and I both are aware of the benefits of cloth diapering, including but not limited to the environmental awareness and cost savings. If you are not yet on the cloth diapering band wagon I suggest you read the most recent blog post recently posted by the Extraordinary Baby Shoppe ( The blog post will inform you of all the benefits of cloth diapering, and you can even find their blog post showing the cost savings. You can find it here:

For me the idea of having chemicals against my little guys skin all day long for the first few years is not appealing. I have worked with enough children and have seen the intense rashes that can come forth on their sensitive bottoms. Cloth diapering has come a long way in the past years and there are way too many cute cloth diaper options to pass up on. The choice can be overwhelming to those who have never used cloth diapers before, but their are great resources and trial programs available to those who would like to try them out. I have had the opportunity to work with a cloth diapered baby in the past and found absolutely no inconvenience to using cloth diapers, even while on outings.

We have had a few people think we are crazy for going the cloth diaper route and all I have to say is poo poo on you! We have weighed the pros and cons and have decided that cloth diapering is what is best for our child. I am not saying that we are going to be all or nothing. There will be outings and overnights, and possible vacation trips where we decide to use disposable diapers. However, when and where possible we will be a cloth diapering family.

So to those family members who are skeptical, yes Uncle Justin you too, we will get you on the cloth diapering band wagon sooner or later. In the meantime we will continue to send our little man to you with disposable & cloth diapers in the hope that one day you may bring him back in a cloth diaper :)

Huge thanks to Shannon from for answering all the endless questions I have about cloth diapering and sharing her experience and expertise. Also hugs to Arwen for sharing in her cloth diapering experiences with her two sweet little ones and for encouraging me at the times I may be a little apprehensive about pushing this child out naturally!

So its back to folding all the cute little cloth diapers we have accumulated so far, and continue to show the lovely husband the differences between what I have choosen so far and when we will be using the various kinds!

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